LikeIT Social

Creating solutions for multiple businesses types on multiple sectors, focused on management and growth.

Web Development

Content Production


Creative Strategy


User friendly website created to provide an easy to read place showing multiple types of content focused on solutions for businesses. Smoothly design to fit each device size.

The page was distributed to show efficiently the enough information for the user to get in touch with solutions, features, integrations.



The brand is focused on simplified challenges concept. Shapes and colors are chosen to represent the diversity of customer needs integrated as solutions in one place.

Content Production

Thanks to the brand guidelines, content follows the same concept in order to provide a high quality understanding of the information placed on each component.

Projection and reach

The website is intended to promote the advantages of a marketing portal, where businesses can easily be managed, making it easy to track and measure campaigns performance.

Get in touch with LikeIT Social today and start to achieve business goals.